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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Too Much...Too Little...Pass The Buck

Another day and still a dollar short.  Not funny for those of us in need of work.
Well, today the news media stated that Governor Chris Christie is questioning if this person is too fat to his job if he's elected president.  Should he even decide to run.  Well, I have a few things to say about that.  First, what message are we sending to kids who are over weight.  What are saying to and/or about other people who are over weight and working or looking for work??  What message are we saying about ourselves and our own mentality when we speak of others like this??  A person's weight should not have any bearings on their ability to do their job.  And if it is a concern, you don't attack them, you try to assist them, you help them in some way, you be supportive, you talk to them.  You don't criticize them. If we allow this to happen in politics, guarenteed, it's going to spill over to everyone's job, everyone's life and we'll have no one to blame but ourselves because we allowed the media, the talk shows and the politicians who partake is this type of behavior.  Blame the ones who started this attack on not just Governor Chris Christie, but on every over weight american in this country.  Regardless of age, race or sex. Dirt throwing in politics have gone way too far and this just took it to another slimy level.  Funny, there are plenty of politicians who are over weight that are in congress or the legislature.  We don't question if they are "too fat" to do their job.  The media hasn't attacked them and asked them if they are capable of doing their jobs.  The talk show hosts haven't made of or attacked those politicians about their weight and their ability to work for their constituents.  But let this one person consider running for president and he's attacked.  It's a ploy to keep him out of office, I mean after all, if the other politicians are partaking and starting this non-sense, then it stands to reason that Christie is a real threat to them.  They are afraid he'd win and they don't want that because then it makes it harder for the current front runners to remain in the front.  There's too much back stabbing.  This needs to stop. Speak up people.  Don't allow this to happen.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Too Much...Too Little...Pass The Buck

I don't know about everyone else, but I'm tired of this being cut, that being cut, jobs being lost, police officers being laid off, teachers being laid off, and so on and so on.  There are options that are not being considered.  Options, which just this morning, I've sent to the governor of our state and to a legislature member.  Because things need to be done, I get that, I think we all get that.  But when they say that nothing is off the table, then let's make sure nothing is off the table.  Including but not limited to the ideas I submitted this morning.  Here is a copy of them. 

(1) Abolish the death penalty. It would save millions to billions. I know people say it's needed for closure. No it's not. People feel they don't have closure because the people who committed the crimes are able to constantly appeal and thus dragging the families into it over and over again. Get rid of the death penalty, save billions, save the families from having to constantly relive the crime with every appeal.

(2)there is no law, I've researched this, stating we must observe daylight savings. Bush in one of infinite moments of stupidity, decided to lengthen day light savings, only for the country to find out it's ended up costing us more money than it's worth. So, get rid of all together. Besides, many of don't look forward to changing our clocks back, then 4 months later, changing them again. It's a waste of time.

(3) Take a lesson from Germany. This is what I learned when I lived there many years ago. They have a welfare type system, and they pay those families well, but they do work for what the state pays them. For example, if a person is on public assistance, they could be sent to a farmer to do work, they could fill in as volunteers at a hospital or any place else that might need them. The thing is, the state would act like a temp agency. They would fill jobs, but people would be receiving state assistance. It helps fulfill a need to have a job filled, it helps the person on assistance feel useful, it also means that jobs that everyone says the illegal immigrants take that no one else in this country will do, would all be filled with a win/win benefit. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Too Much...Too Little...Pass The Buck...Ideas

I have come to the conclusion that unless things change in congress and we somehow find a government that is able and willing to do their job and compromise, we, the United States of America, stand a very real chance of imploding.  We have grown men/women in congress refusing to do their jobs, yet they aren't being fired.  If anyone of us pulled their stunts, we would be fired faster than we can blink.  What is this country coming to??  What has become of our congress and senate?  What is becoming of this country?? 

(1) A first step, is everyone, and I do mean everyone, needs to stop blaming and start accepting responsibility for their part in everything.
(2) The second step, is we need to do get rid of some of the political parties. We have too many.  Republicans say we need smaller government, yet they have the "tea party".  That's not making things smaller, that's making things larger.  Anytime you add something to something, it grows.  To become smaller, you must subtract or remove something.
(3) The third step, and I particularly like this one.  We could down size and get rid of most of the political parties.  How??  By sending everything out for votes by the American people.  And, as it should be, the majority would win.  Do we want tax breaks for oil companies??  Let us vote on it.  Bet you 99% of the people would say to do away with it.  They would also vote to get rid of the loop holes concerning big business tax breaks.  We could actually fix things considerably quicker by firing the lot of them and just voting on things every 4 years.  That's a novel concept.

Wonder how congress would feel to be out of a job and not be able to find work??  Or to have no medical coverage?  Or to have to pay their own premiums and co-pays out of pocket?  As the old saying goes, "too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the stew".  Well, there are most definitly way------y too many "cooks" in the kitchen.  

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Too Much...Too Little...Pass The Buck...

It has come to my attention this morning, while reading the news on my cell phone, that the so called Political Parties, are having a very difficult time in coming together and doing what's best for us, the country.  My first thought upon reading the news, was, "We're going under".   My next thought, "if there was blame to be placed, what if we were to place it upon the people of the of this country?"   After all, it was the people of this country, who once again believed the lies of the Republican Party, and elected them back into office.   And why is anyone listening to the so called Tea Party?  They aren't for the American people.  The Tea Party only has interest in their own agenda.  Not that of this country as a whole.  The Republican Party made it very clear, they want to get of Obama at all cost.  Well, people, we're looking at that cost.  They hate having a democratic in the office.  It doesn't matter the race of the person.  All they, the Republican's, care about is getting rid of any democrat in the presidential office.  Oh, the Republican's care about "big" businesses.  They have to.  They're in their back pockets.  No one party is really looking out for our best interest as a country.  I do believe the democrats have more of an interest in our well being than the Republican party.  They know if they don't take our best interest to heart, they won't stand a chance of being re-elected.  But, as I stated above, the Republican party's only interest, is in getting into office.  Look people, when was the last time any of them gave a straight yes or no answer to a question?  Any question??   When was the last time any of them held a news conference without blaming this person, that person, this party, that party??  I will say, that those 8 years Bush was in office, he kept saying that the money would trickle down.  That was his excuse for giving big businesses tax breaks and creating loop hole for them.  Want to see the economy turn around faster than anyone can say, "Bankrupt"?   Have all of these companies that have sent jobs over seas, bring them back.  I'm pretty sure I speak for the larger majority of the American people when I say, we would be willing to pay a few dollars more for things made in this country.  After all, we could afford it.  Everyone would be working. There would be a strong economy.  And I expect the quality would be better.  At the very least, there wouldn't be constant recalls on things made in China.   But over all, people, I think we need to prepare for the potential disaster of what may be coming.  I have ideas and many times I've wished I had the money to go to D.C. and confront those politicians.  Force them to give some straight answer and not let them off the hook.  I'd like to those so called budgets they've come up with and show them how it's done.  After all, we, everyone in this country, need to live on a budget.  We, many of us, live pay check to pay check.  I'm truly worried about this country, the people in this country, the job market and the out come.  I don't see this as being good.  Not by any stretch.  But, if I had to make a choice of who to blame?  I would have to say, both parties, but the Republicans more so as they have been the least willing to compromise.  We need to close those tax loop holes.  We need to have the oil companies paying their fair share of taxes.  We need help and we're not getting it.  Not a single large corporation is speaking up for us.  Some how, we must, all of us, we must find a way to make our voices heard.  We must find a way to make Wall Street, Big Businesses, Congress and the Senate to listen to us.  They must set aside their party affiliations.  It should not matter.  There comes a time in life, and in this case in history, where you must put aside your differences and be willing to compromise.  And that time has come.  It came many weeks ago, but it's coming down to the zero hour now.  We need something to be done.  And if they won't listen, then we must find a way to make them listen.  But, to be heard, it must a way that is very profound, 'non' violent, and yet involve many of the American people.  And the only thing I can think of, is a nation wide petition.  Any other ideas out there??

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Federal and State Financial Woes and Some Solutions

I've never understood why it is a politician can be asked a question by a news reporter, and never give a straight answer to the question.  I would love to be able to stand right in front of all of these guys and ask them questions and not allow them to give long winded answers that no only side track what the question was, but has nothing to do with the question. I think they've been allowed off the hook for way to long. It will be up to the American people to make sure changes take place in Washington D.C.

Solutions: (1) politicians can no longer run negative campaign ads
               (2) politicians must give direct answers to any and all questions posed to them
               (3) politicians can no longer lie, stretch the truth, manipulate or any perform any other type of
                   behavior that would hide the truth when running for office.
              (4) politicians must be held to a higher standard than we hold some athletes.
              (5) politicians must talk to people "all" across the country. Not just those on the East Coast or
                  Washington D.C. There are those of us out here in the mid west, southern western states, ie: AZ.
                 those of us on the West Coast.  We're tired of politicians saying they're speaking for us when
                they've never even polled us, spoke to us, called us, sent us a questionnaire or anything else.

Also, the Republicans must stop talking about making new jobs.  They keep saying they will make new jobs here, there and this type or this type.  They need to come clean with the American people.  The jobs are gone. They are not and will not be coming back.  Many of them have gone over seas, most for good.  Others are being eliminated due to the change in technology.  Others will be impermanently gone simply because machines are now doing the work people once did.  It's time for the American people to wake up, stop placing blame, pick yourselves up by your boot straps and find a new direction in life.  Many of you are going to have to find a way, to make your own way.  And I'm one of those who need to find my own way.  Jobs are gone people.  They are gone and they aren't coming back.  Not like we once knew.  I strongly suggest that some of you find something you truly enjoy doing and try to turn into income.  Maybe some of you like to build things with wood, some of you might like working with leather.  There is a call right now by other American people for "made in America" products.  As they said in the movie, "Field of Dreams" you build it and they will come.  Just make sure it reflects american made quality and you should be fine.  It's over people. The days of walking into a place for job and walking out with it, are over.  The easy life is done.  And we've done it to ourselves.....How you ask??  By taking deregulation to the extreme as well as allowing the american companies to ship our jobs overseas. It was, in my opinion, the beginning of the end and this is the end result. However, I'm pretty sure we've not yet seen the bottom.  But it's coming....

Too Much...Too Little...Pass The Buck

Let's see, the rich need more.  More mansions, yatchs, planes, cars, clothes, and vacations galore.  Oh, and not let us forget how much they need $15,000 shirts, 30,000 shoes, $26,000 jeans. Yep they need a tax break. Not the people working 60 hours for them for less then the cost of living in their respective areas. They don't want to pay respectable wages, health insurance or taxes   They don't want to pay into peoples retirement, you don't think you should pay into unemployment what exactly do you feel you should be responsible for? Nothing?  Maybe we as Americans can come together and come up with a better offer than the private industry and the wealthy did. Hey we account for 90% of America. Im sure we can make a better offer. I have a question for the republicans.  (1) Why are you advocating for people that lied to all Americans when the Bush tax cuts were extended for the 3rd time. Second, why are you saying democrats with to raise taxes when all they want to do is close the Bush discount to the wealthy?   
(2) Why do you keep saying government is wasting your money when the money goes to help someone that works for companies like McDonalds, Walgreens, Target to live off $7.36 an hour while raising children?   
 Ever since the GOP leadership declared that their mission was to make President Obama a one term president they have blocked everything and fought against any kind of fair tax adjustment they don't want any oversight of banks, wall st, and they don't want us to know who is giving billions to their nasty lying reelection adds. They have no intelligent leadership and follow Murdoch's fool Fox news which is known for simply inventing phony stories. Oh, and not let us forget that Boehner actually called Rush Limbaugh for suggestions. Wonder if he knows how ridiculous and stupid that made him look??  

These guys were voted into office, we need to vote them out.  In the meantime, I have a novel idea.  Why don't all of us, everyone in this country, submit our own suggestions and solutions to the debt problem?  Send them a list of things that need to saved, things we're willing to compromise on.  It would prove to be interesting to see them receive that many documents from the American people.  People who can solve the problem they refuse to resolve, settle or compromise on. 

Too Much...Too Little...Pass The Buck

In light of the indecisions in Washington D.C. and the inability to know, understand, or listen to the warnings that glaring the rest of us in the face, as well as their constant instance of passing the buck and play the game, I think the time has come to just sit back, let the cards fall where they may.  It's time to revamp all political parties.  We had two, now we seem to have 4 or more. As the old saying goes, "too many cooks in the kitchen spoils the stew".   In other words, each person will add their own spice to the pot and when it's done, the pot of stew is really nasty and doesn't resemble anything like the original cook intended.  Such is our national budget.  Nasty and nothing like it started out or should resemble.  We do need to close loop holes, we need to raise taxes on the wealthy, we need to start making the oil companies pay their fare of taxes, at the moment, they pay nothing, or next to nothing. 
Some simple solutions:
(1) Stop sending funds to foreign countries
(2) Stop paying for illegal immigrants medical and housing. This would save many states a lot of money.  It would be interesting to know just how much money is spent on illegal immigrants.  Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against immigrants, but even the legal immigrants want something to be done about the illegal immigrants
(3) Cut the pay of the politicians.  Have them get paid like everyone else.  They don't work, they don't get paid.  If they have to hold special sessions, those hours and days get docked from their pay.  We, the tax payers should not be paying them extra do something that should have been done long before they were take time off.
 (4) Politicians can start paying half of their premiums and have a 25% co-pay.  Just like the rest of us.  Instead of us funding their health care. That should save money, hopefully for us. And Lord knows they can most certainly afford the premiums and co-pay better than the general public.
(5) We need to stop giving grants, money, to other countries.  I'm sorry, but there comes a time when you need to look after your own family, and in this case your own country, before you worry about someone else's country.
(6) We need to stop giving oil companies free money.
(7) And here's a novel idea.  Instead of each state purchasing things they "think" they "need" or "want", start a type of Craigs List or Freecycle strictly for the states.  They can swap or exchange things between them.
                 IE: Rhode Island needs a new desk.  South Carolina has a nice, like new desk, so they say, "come        and get it".  And no, the states do "Not" pay for the shipping, nor do the tax payers.  They can use their vehicles, that we've already paid for, and either take it all to the way to the receiving party or they can meet at the state line and transfer it to the waiting vehicle.

There are many ways for the government to increase revenue without touching the general public, it's just a matter of getting businesses out of the back pockets of the politicians.   

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Federal and State Financial Woes and Some Solutions

Here are some ideas/solutions for a few problems this country currently deals with. 
 (1) illegal immigrants and the cost of keeping a prisoner behind bars. 
            I think this could be an easy one to solve.  It is well known that illegal immigrants say they are doing the jobs the American public does not want to do.  Solution:  Take the "non" violent prisoners, give them those jobs.  It teaches them a job skill.  Also, the prisoners would be paid the same as anyone else, but the funds would be used differently.  Here's the funds would be divided.  One half would go into an account set up for the prisoner, so when they are released, they have money to fall back on until they find a job. Perhaps reducing the rate of which they re-offend.  Remember, they would have learned a job skill.  
The other half would go into reimbursing at least some, if not most, of the cost of having the person in prison.  That would at the very least, reduce the amount being spent by tax payers.  Perhaps even end up where the prisoner is paying for his entire stay??   It's a win/win.  

(2)  Schools need to get back to the basics.  They need to go back to the way it was.  You took English, Math, Reading, P.E., Social Studies/History, Home Economics or Shop and 30 minutes for lunch.  Classes should be at least 60 minutes long.  Do away with electives.  If you want to take an elective, you pay for the course.  The electives can be done during regular school hours. Hours would be what they once were: 7:20am until 2:20pm, for Jr. High and High School.  Grade school would revert back to 8:50am until 3:30pm.  This gets us back to where our kids are learning what they need to know.  Electives would only be allowed for those who've completed the required courses/classes for a high school diploma.  No more taking electives, skirting by on requirements or failing them all together, only to get to the end of the year and fail for the year due to lack of required classes being fulfilled. Classes can also be done on a self pace study program, for those who have the self discipline to read, study, test and pass.  This would allow the student to perhaps complete high school sooner.  Thus saving many, many tax payers dollars.